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​July Feature Art

Feature Art-July-"Dog Days of Summer"

It was a Sunday drive in the country.  This time we were headed to the peacock farm and Jerry Lee Lewis's home place near Nesbit, MS.  As we were riding along something colorful caught my eye.  I asked my sister to pull over to check it out.  I walked down the dirt road towards a splash of yellow.  As I drew closer, I heard a chorus of barking.  I walked closer and suddenly these 3 adorable dogs rose up out of the bushes to greet me.   They were barking, turning in circles and tried to jump over the fencing around them. They were surrounded by fences and old  tires of all kinds-wooden posts, metal railings, chain-link and barb-wire all trying to contain these three little fellows in this small yard.  Sunflowers were drying all around them, they draped  the fences and several had fallen to the ground. But there was one sunflower still left standing in the middle of them although its leaves had been chewed on . Luckily I had my camera and quickly snapped their picture which I would later paint.  The following prints and pillow were reproduced from my original painting " Dogs Days of Summer" 2017!

"Dog Days of Summer" Premium Poster 16" x 20"

                                        Pillows Posters Prints With A Purpose

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